Anabel Nevarez serves as the President of the Inland Equity Community Land Trust. Anabel has been part of the development of IECLT from the very beginning. She was a student at University of California at Riverside and a member of the 28ers when IE CLT made our 1st video describing the community land trust idea. The video is on our Youtube channel. She served as the co-chair for the Inland Empire chapter of Democratic Socialists of America that serves Riverside and San Bernardino counties. She began her community activism in high school through the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization and since then, she has volunteered her time fighting for immigrants rights, healthcare justice, housing and education. Anabel is Mexican-American first-generation daughter of immigrants and was impacted by the housing crisis in 2008. After Christmas, she became homeless and moved cross-country to live on her sister’s couch, and understands that there are many routes to poverty that can only be resolved with long-term, comprehensive solutions, such as the guaranteed right to housing. She grew up throughout southern California, having moved dozens of times, and attending an array of local schools in the process. She is also finishing her Bachelors in Neuroscience at the University of California, Riverside. Anabel is now working as a field director for several local campaigns. In the past, she led successful voter outreach to get the first Latina elected to Riverside City Council and most recently.