IE CLT Executive Board Members

Anabel Nevarez serves as the President of the Inland Equity Community Land Trust. Anabel has been part of the development of IECLT from the very beginning.

Matthew Snyder received his Ph.D in English at UC Riverside and is a Continuing Lecturer in the University Writing Program there. He is also a writer and activist, as well as a co-host of the podcast, The Future Is A Mixtape ( ).

Deborah Harmon is the Vice President of the Inland Equity Community Land Trust. Deborah was born in Torrance, CA., graduated from Carson High School in 1982. Today, Deborah is a resident of San Bernardino, Ca. with 3 wonderful grandchildren.

Blanca Lopez serves as the Inland Region Campaign Director of Golden State Opportunity Foundation and CalEITC4Me.

Candy Doss is the Treasurer of Inland Equity Community Land Trust. She is a retired Postal Worker who is working on housing issues in the City of Riverside.
Advisory Board Members

Anthony J. Noriega is a Veterans of the Vietnam Conflict, attended various colleges in Southern California.

Frank Garcia is retired from the United State's Air Force. Frank lives in Redlands and is an advocate for affordable housing and health care for all and other social justice causes.

Maria Galvan lives in Ontario, CA. Maria is involved in many organizations that uplift others. Maria has been an advocate for social justice policies that advance education and human rights. "When we work together, we win"

Ruben Mendoza is the Housing Associate with Uplift San Bernardino, a collective impact initiative dedicated to cultivating the next generation of successful adults committed to growing roots in the City of San Bernardino.