Matthew Snyder received his Ph.D in English at UC Riverside and is a Continuing Lecturer in the University Writing Program there. He is also a writer and activist, as well as a co-host of the podcast, The Future Is A Mixtape (www.thefutureisamixtape.com ). After his involvement with Occupy Riverside, he co-founded the organization, The 28ers (website: 28ers.org). The 28ers ultimate goal is to pass a 28th Amendment to the US constitution to forever sever private wealth from politics by creating exclusive public financing for all federal elections, and have held several events on issues related to the corrosive effects of money in politics that block foundational change to procuring the human rights to housing, food, shelter and healthcare in America. In 2019, he worked with other community members of the I.E. to create the Inland Equity Community Land Trust, and is on the Executive Board as its Secretary. With decades of writing and organizational work in his background and resume, he brings financial management and grant writing to the organization. Also his policy research helps with our organization collateral materials.