Candy Doss, Treasurer
Candy Doss is the Treasurer of Inland Equity Community Land Trust. She is a retired Postal Worker who is working on housing issues in the City of Riverside.
Blanca Lopez, Parliamentarian
Blanca Lopez serves as the Inland Region Campaign Director of Golden State Opportunity Foundation and CalEITC4Me. As the National Campaign Coordinator for the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, Lopez implemented several Latino civic engagement campaigns across seven states during the 2016 Presidential Election. She is highly committed to addressing poverty issues specific to the Inland region and brings over 10 years of organizing and leadership experience.
Deborah Harmon, Vice President
Deborah Harmon is the Vice President of the Inland Equity Community Land Trust. Deborah was born in Torrance, CA., graduated from Carson High School in 1982. Today, Deborah is a resident of San Bernardino, Ca. with 3 wonderful grandchildren. Deborah also volunteers in her community for various organizations. Deborah is also the Shop Stewart of the San Bernardino Tenants' Union.
Matthew Snyder, Secretary
Matthew Snyder received his Ph.D in English at UC Riverside and is a Continuing Lecturer in the University Writing Program there. He is also a writer and activist, as well as a co-host of the podcast, The Future Is A Mixtape ( ). After his involvement with Occupy Riverside, he co-founded the organization, The 28ers (website:
Anabel Nevarez, President
Anabel Nevarez serves as the President of the Inland Equity Community Land Trust. Anabel has been part of the development of IECLT from the very beginning. She was a student at University of California at Riverside and a member of the 28ers when IE CLT made our 1st video describing the community land trust idea. The video is on our Youtube channel. She served as the co-chair for the Inland Empire chapter of Democratic Socialists of America that serves Riverside and San Bernardino counties.